Бразилия, Флорианополис


At the events organized by «AYAWASKA RETREAT», the work is performed only by shamanans, healers, healers, caranderos and prayer musicians tested by US. And WE bear full responsibility for the ceremonies held by them.
amau Sid
Métis healer, clinical psychologist, therapist and prayer musician who has studied sacred medicines for over 19 years.
Our brother comes from Chile, bringing deep Andean prayer with icaros and original songs that bring us into deep contact with our ancestors and with the healing light, the brightness of the father sun and the power of the earth.
His songs are performed in A432 tuning, which achieves natural and harmonious musicality with the vibrational fields of nature.
This work has already traveled to different countries (Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia) where altars have been erected to create a network of healing energy from Patagonia to forests, from desert to sea.
Amau brings together the egregores of the Andes, Santo Daime and Umbanda Sagrada, achieving a universal ceremony with moments of deep spiritual connection.
ale rolemberg
Ale Rolemberg is a sound therapist, musician, composer, and practitioner of sacred forest medicine among the Huni Kui people. With over 20 sacred musical instruments, traditional stories, and his own songs, Ale follows the path of shamanism and sound vibrations, starting in 2015, learning more about the healing power of SOUND, sacred instruments, and their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits. "Sound healing is a therapeutic technique using shamanic musical instruments, crystals, and nature sounds, which our ancestors used to connect with the Divine and their ancestors for healing and creation through these vibrations."
Gabriel Shana Numi
Gabriel is from Acre and represents the Yawanawa people. In his ceremonies, Gabriel uses sacred medicines such as Ayahuasca, Rapé, and Sananga, honoring the traditions of his ancestors. Gabriel follows specific diets that provide him with knowledge and wisdom to conduct ceremonies with songs and prayers. "I chose the spiritual path since I was 5 years old and from a young age, I participated and accompanied my elders in all the traditional rituals of our people. This quest for divine wisdom began under the influence of my ancestors, such as my great-grandfather, the famous Yawa, my father Padje Isau, and my grandfather, who was a great healer, knowledgeable about plants, and prayers."
Manipa Shanenawa
For many years, since 2011, Manipa Shanenawa has been conducting ayahuasca ceremonies in the tradition of the Shanenawa people. Spirituality plays an important role in his ceremonies, which involve the use of medicines such as Rapé, sananga, kambo, and ayahuasca. He provides healing to brothers and sisters, performing rituals and spiritual practices as a spiritual healer. "For me, ayahuasca is a sacred medicine that should be approached with great respect and intention in the heart. It symbolizes life, healing, love for others, as medicine requires a serious approach, and not everyone is meant to serve it. One must have spirituality and deep understanding to serve this medicine for our brothers."
Fabrizio Ahaú
Fabrizio Ahaú is a musician, composer, devoted servant of the planet and nature, and a student of the traditions of indigenous peoples. He was baptized in the forest according to the tradition of the Huni Kuin people and has facilitated the arrival of many representatives of indigenous traditions, particularly ayahuasqueros, in southern Brazil. Currently, he lives in Florianópolis and is the founder of the "Golden Canoe" Spiritual Center, where he conducts ceremonies and pilgrimages using medicines from the forest. Along his path, he has sacredly interacted with ayahuasca medicine since 2008.
Isau Yawanawa

Isau Yawanawa, a native resident of the state of Acre, Brazil. "Since I was 19 years old, I have been taking our sacred medicine - ayahuasca, which we Yawanawa call Uni. I sing songs of my Yawanawa people, which I learned in my native village in Acre. I am a shaman and work with plant medicine. I have two diets with sacred plants, and in my ceremonies, I work with ayahuasca, rapé, sananga, and kambo."
Gilmar Yube
Works with the sacred indigenous medicine AYHUASCA RAPE SANANGA.
“Our goal is to show everyone a true way of living in favor of nature and respect for each cycle of life, healing ourselves with great respect and love. We welcome into our house of worship natives and people who come from other cities in search of a cure. We carry out our spiritual healing work with great respect and discipline. Tete Pawa Healing Center, humbly seek the best way for each of us to understand our purpose in life, connect with our ancestors and thus change our values.”
Anderson Barbosa da Silva Kashinawa
Lives in the Acre region and is a member of the indigenous Huni Kuin people, as well as a bearer of knowledge and traditions that he learned from his father, Augusto Nunez, a master of nature, healer and ceremonial prayer book. Anderson has been holding his ceremonies since 2018. Upholding the traditions of the Curandero, who has undergone appropriate training and initiation, he plays the guitar, ukulele and charango. In the tradition of the Huni Kuin people, they use Ayahuasca, Rapé, Shuru and Sanananga medicine in their ceremonies.
Yubeni Huni Kuin
From the state of Acre Amazonas. A young man who studied the medicine of his people and also brought with him the sacred medicine of ayawaska and rapé. Yubeni has been taking this medicine since he was five years old, so today he brings the medicine to the whole world to bring healing to humanity, as well as spread the Huni Kuin culture to honor the ancestors and preserve traditions and customs by studying medicine and deepening the spiritual knowledge of the tradition, as a guardian of medicine. Yubeni teaches diets, many strong and very deep, as preparation for spiritual work, and also knows the songs of history and myths, medicine and the secrets of the forest. Yubeni is a musician and at ceremonies he plays some types of music with his own compositions, and also prays to ward off evil, and asks for many blessings from the "grande yuxibu" of the great spirit.
whera tupa
Since childhood, he has taken on the role of guardian of the sacred fire with medicines of the forest in the village where he grew up. He stayed close and was present at the ceremonies and rituals where the culture of the Guarani tribe is intense and deep, where he learned everything from the elders. He also played a leading role in the dance rituals of Xondaro, which gave him a prominent place as a representative of his culture. Tupa has been teaching classes and lectures in the Mbya Guarani language since 2015, teaching comprehensively the songs and teachings contained in the culture. Since 2014, he has also been conducting Ceremonies with sacred chants. He currently resides in Aldeia Itaty on the indigenous land of Morro dos Cavalos, in the municipality of Palhoça-SC...
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