Бразилия, Флорианополис


- november 22 - 24 , 2024
- 2-day retreat, with the "Ayahuasca" ceremony
- 2 days of transformation that will change your life.
- Only you know the answer to each of your questions.
- Brazil. Florianopolis. Offline.
"There is a question, ask"
- yes. It's that simple. Easier than you thought. There is not a single specialist and expert in the universe who could solve your question better than you. And only you are this expert for yourself.
- We offer you to experience a new life experience that will change the way you think about the world, break down internal blocks, expand the horizon of your gaze and let new creative energies into your life.
- If you have accumulated a lot of these questions to yourself. It's time to answer them. Welcome to the retreat, "Ask a question" in Brazil. We are waiting for you. And of course, don't forget your question.
"There is a question, ask"
- Your cozy apartment is located in a picturesque place of the Brazilian Nature Reserve, an hour's drive from the bustling center, the "magical island of Florianopolis", which is located on the Atlantic Ocean coast
- There are two residential buildings on a huge territory, with three rooms in each, and one house where most of the events planned by the retreat will take place.
- There is a swimming pool on the territory, a place for gatherings around the campfire. There are paths for walking, a natural lake, trees with juicy green leaves around, and above us the sky, which we will definitely admire at night.
Where will you live:
- We have compiled a program so that you feel as comfortable as possible, conduct self-analysis and be alone with yourself.
- Despite a small amount of time, and a rich program, the stay will seem as secluded as possible.
- The Ayahuasca ceremony is not the only thing that will happen. There will also be yoga practices, a meditation concert, a rapee ceremony, group coaching classes and more.
what awaits you:
- Do not forget that for a deeper dive, the ceremony requires a special diet, and we hope that you are prepared.
- At any time, after the ceremony, a vegetarian table and a table with pastries will be available. And at the end of the second day, we are waiting for a traditional Brazilian "shurasco" from local fish.
What are we going to eat:
Amau Sid, a mestizo medicine man, clinical psychologist, therapist and prayer musician who has been studying sacred medicines for more than 19 years. Our brother comes from Chile, bringing a deep Andean prayer with ikaros and author's songs that bring us into deep contact with our ancestors and with the healing light, the brightness of the father sun and the power of the earth. His songs are performed in the A 432 formation, thereby achieving a natural and harmonious musicality with the vibrational fields of nature. This work has already traveled to different countries (Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia), where altars were erected to create a network of healing energy from Patagonia to forests, from the desert to the sea. Amau unites the egregore of the Andes, Santo Daimyo and Umbanda Sagrada, achieving a universal ceremony with moments of deep spiritual connection.
Who will conduct the ceremony:
Daily routine at the retreat:


16:00 - Arrival, check-in
17:00 - Acquaintance with urethritis and its goals. Discussion of issues
18:00 - Rapa Ceremony
19:00 - Preparation for the Ayahuasca ceremony
20:00 - Ayahuasca ceremony with shaman - healer Amau Sid


The schedule for the next day includes events that will take place, but they are not mandatory for your visit. You can visit them or do introspection in any place convenient for you. Choose for yourself how you will spend this day.)

09:00 - Morning meditation
10:00 - Breakfast
11:00 - Group Art therapy
14:00 - Lunch
15:00 - Meditation concert. Sound Therapy with multi-instrumentalist William Fedrizzi
18:00 - Discussion of a positive experience over dinner


09:00 - Morning Kriya Yoga
10:00 - Breakfast
Confederacy policy